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Technologies For Remote Work

WFH Technology

Ever since this pandemic started, the plan for most businesses has been to work from home. Working from home is a great form of social distancing however, employees lose a lot of the tools that modern offices have. Modern offices provide an environment that promotes productivity while also supporting their workers. Here at VGlobalTech, we will share the main technologies that have helped us with our performance, excelling beyond our competitors!

  1. Adaptive wifi
    Adaptive wifi makes use of artificial intelligence (AI) to determine where the most bandwidth would be allocated in your home. Unlink mesh wifi, adaptive wifi is able to chart where the most wifi is used throughout a home, and then appropriately allocate that bandwidth to certain places for your home. This chart is determined by  where, when, and which devices are using the wifi the heaviest. Based on this chart, adaptive wifi will then distribute the bandwidth accordingly, depending on which areas need it the most. Similar to a police officer directing busy traffic, the lanes that are getting the most congested are first in line to cross the intersection.
  2. Video calling
    Face to face meetings are an integral part of most business, so as implied, they cannot simply be removed. Text messaging doesn’t always portray the right tone of voice that you wanted to use, and writing essays to relay information that can be done in a quick voice-call seems inefficient. Thankfully, the 21st century has a plethora of video calling tools that can be used in your browser. Some of these tools include Zoom, Skype, Google Hangouts, FaceTime, Curse, Discord, etc. The list goes on! Making use of video calling can maintain the face to face relationships that are crucial to businesses. 
  3. Instant messaging
    Although video calling is an effective form of communication, sometimes, face to face meetings can deem inefficient depending on the task at hand. Why bring a flame thrower to a bonfire? So while not all forms of communication require face to face meetings, the 21st century package also came with instant messaging. A concept that allows users to send quick pings to each other informing them of things that are crucial but do not need to be discussed. Sometimes, its a great form of communication for casual conversation. We all know the stress of formatting an email – should i use Dear? Is it the afternoon right now? – instant messaging eradicates the formality! Some good tools for instant messaging are usually integrated with voice chats, but these are our favorite: Skype, Google Hangouts, Discord, Curse, Microsoft Teams, iMessage, etc. Instant messaging also allows you to communicate privately or in groups, similar to a voice call!
  4. Project Management Platforms
    Project management platforms are a great way for teams to delegate tasks to avoid wasting time and resources. Especially for people working from home, it can get hard to a normal office dynamic because everyone needs to communicate virtually. Project management platforms allow workers the ability to check-in regularly and keep track os what needs to be done. It allows them to stay on top of different plans and maintain some stream of communication with others in their team. Some platforms that VGlobalTech recommends are Asana and Trello. Software like Trello, Asana, or other project management software allow for teams to build a wireframe of how the project should be completed. From there the team can delegate subtasks that will help everyone move forward and reach their goal, just don’t veer too far from the original plan!
  5. Digital Assistants
    The market for digital assistants has increased, especially within the last few years. Technology like the Amazon Echo, Google Assistant, or Siri have made their way into everybody’s lives at some point, so its possible that you already own one of these assistants. However, most do not use digital assistants to their fullest potential. Digital assistants allow its users to make calls, send emails, take notes, schedule appointments, and much more! The use of these technologies is meant to solve day to day tasks that will help you save some time as you perform other tasks like cooking, cleaning, or other household duties.

VGlobalTech understands that especially during this pandemic, it is becoming more and more common for people to start working from home and adjusting to these new technologies can be hard. We are here to help make this transition a bit smoother!


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